Squamish Schools
Brackendale Elementary School
Street Address: 42000 Government Road, Brackendale
Mailing Address: PO Box 280, Brackendale, BC V0N 1H0
Phone: 604-898-3651
Fax: 604-898-4674
Website: sd48brackendale.org

Located on Government Road next door to Don Ross Middle School is Brackendale Elementary, serving children in grades Kindergarten through 6th. Currently, there are approximately 299 students enrolled, many of whom live close enough to walk to school each day with their parents. The children who attend Brackendale Elementary are blessed with an excellent group of teachers and administrators, along with encouragement and opportunity for growth and development.
Giving Children the Finest Start in their Educational Career
The Brackendale Elementary School Parent Advisory Council is one of the biggest benefits to students. Membership is automatic for all parents or caregivers with children registered at the school, and involvement ranges from very frequent for those who are able to dedicate a great deal of time to occasional help with various events or tasks. The group participates in fundraising, school safety topics, the Hot Lunch Program and much more. The work of the PAC has resulted in the installation of an $80,000 playground in 2006, and a top-notch, $30,000 computer lab in 2009 as well as other amenities and tools used by children and teachers for learning and fun. The group meets every month on the 3rd Wednesday, and frequent reminders are posted on the school’s Facebook page.
A School and a Community
Brackendale Elementary teachers, parents, and administrators work to ensure that the children who attend are part of a community and not just a learning environment. The school enjoys holding special events and welcomes parents along with their students to attend.
For instance, movie nights are often held in the gym, where parents and children can enjoy exciting family-friendly movies and a variety of concession offerings. Each year, the school holds a Sports Day, where children participate in thrilling races and a variety of events; parents are welcome and encouraged to show up to cheer their children on. Other events are held frequently; some recent ones include Family “Blingo” Bingo Night (where children and parents were encouraged to wear their best “bling” and bring a lucky charm) and an exciting silent auction.
Academic Performance
The academic performance of the students enrolled in Brackendale Elementary is great; only a small percentage of students (less than 20%) performed “below expectations,” and when compared to previous years, writing performance in the 2013-2014 school year was significantly better. The school features a Fraser Institute rating of 4.9.
A Top-Notch Staff
The teachers and administrators at Brackendale Elementary are highly-qualified and dedicated to each child’s success. Overall, Brackendale Elementary is a great school with plenty to offer children and their families in the nearby community.
Garibaldi Highlands Elementary School
Street Address: 2590 Portree Way, Garibaldi Highlands
Mailing Address: PO Box 280, Garibaldi Highlands, BC V0N 1T0
Phone: 604-898-3688
Fax: 604-898-4706
Website: sd48garibaldihighlands.org

Garibaldi Highlands Elementary is located in the beautiful Garibaldi Highlands neighbourhood of Squamish, in a central location which makes walking to and from school possible for a large number of students. The school serves children in grades Kindergarten through 6th. The school’s priority, as outlined in their mission statement, is to “provide a nurturing environment, enabling individual students to realize their full potential and acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to become valued members of society.”
Offering Excellent Options for Students and Parents
Garibaldi Highlands Elementary offers an early French immersion program for children in grades Kindergarten through 3rd. Not only are children benefiting from this program, but parents who are actively seeking better and advanced options for their children are thrilled with this option. French immersion enrolment in Canada has increased 12% since 2006, and for good reason. Children who are exposed to another language early in life are much more likely to become fluent and bilingualism provides excellent opportunities to those children. Six teachers in Garibaldi Highlands are involved in the French Immersion Program, ensuring that students receive excellent attention and instruction on a more individualized basis.
An Outstanding Staff Provides Exceptional Support
Even the brightest students can only be successful when given stellar teachers to learn from. In addition to the primary teachers, the school offers a range of specialty teachers, including learning support teachers and collaborative support teachers. These individuals are able to help primary teachers in a variety of subjects, lessening the strain on those teachers and providing more individualized attention to children.
Education assistants such as the playground supervisors help ensure that many watchful eyes are on children at all times, with safety and well-being placed as a top-priority.
Safety and Encouragement Go Hand in Hand
According to a recent survey, over 95% of students attending Garibaldi Highlands Elementary said they felt welcome at their school. This is higher than the province as a whole; 82% of students said they felt welcome at their school on a province-wide survey. The number of Garibaldi Elementary students who said they felt safe at school is approximately 97% in grades 3 and 4. Approximately 80% of parents answered that they were satisfied with their child’s learning, and about 90% of parents said they felt that their children were safe at school.
Academic Achievement
The academic achievements and scores of Garibaldi Highlands Elementary children are outstanding. In Grade 4 reading, 80% of students are meeting or exceeding standards, compared to 70% of students in British Columbia as a whole. Approximately 80% of students in Grade 4 writing are meeting or exceeding standards, and about 92% of students ore meeting or exceeding standards in Grade 4 numeracy. For Grade 7 students in reading, approximately 88% of students are meeting or exceeding standards. The scores across the board are higher than that of the district as a whole, and Fraser Institute has given this school a ranking of 6.8 out of a 10.
Overall, Garibaldi Highlands Elementary has an excellent range of options for students, a top-notch staff, and some of the best performing students within the city. It’s a sound choice for an outstanding education, and the staff dedication to their students is admirable.
Mamquam Elementary School
Street Address: 40266 Government Road, Squamish
Mailing Address: PO Box 160, Garibaldi Highlands, BC V0N 1T0
Phone: 604-898-3601
Fax: 604-898-4092
Website: sd48mamquam.org

Located on Government Highway in the Central Squamish area is Mamquam Elementary. This school serves children from Kindergarten through 6th grade, and currently has approximately 295 students enrolled. Mamquam Elementary is in an excellent location, situated to the north of most homes where students live. Being in such close proximity to the neighborhood allows many children to walk to and from school each day with their parents.
Art Infusion
Mamquam Elementary is an Art Infusion elementary school, with an art-enhanced curriculum. Here, art is infused into every day and incorporated into the more traditional subjects; teaching and learning are seasoned with creative expression of all kinds. The school’s mission is to build on each child’s interest and strengths through meaningful activities while also focusing on essential work habits, from responsibility and perseverance to independence and thoroughness.
Learning That Includes the Beauty of the Surrounding Area
Not only are Mamquam children exposed to a great deal of art, but they certainly get their fair share of recreational activities that include experiencing the natural areas around them. Children in Mamquam Elementary can enjoy activities offered through the school curriculum, such as swimming, skating, cross-country skiing, salmon studies and visits to the local estuary, nature hikes and more. The school also participates in important events like the Terry Fox Run which raises awareness and funds for cancer research.
Experiencing History and Culture Firsthand
Programs at Mamquam Elementary give children the chance to experience the culture and history of the area in a special way.
One such program is the First Nations Cultural Program, where guests visit and give exciting and fun aboriginal lessons and teachings. Children enjoy the arts of drumming, weaving, storytelling and other activities that were integral to the aboriginal culture.
Academic Performance
The overall academic scores of children in Mamquam Elementary are average to above-average. The average reading score of children in grade 4 was 497 in 2013, up from 463 in 2012. Writing scores also increased while the numeracy scores have stayed steady in the 490’s for the past several years. Grade 7 reading and numeracy scores increased significantly as well; from 417 to 452 and from 383 to 437 respectively. The Fraser Institute rating for Mamquam Elementary is 5.2.
Positive Views on Safety, Encouragement and Feeling Welcome
According to a recent survey completed by students and parents, the majority of students like their school and feel welcomed at their school. Of the answering grades 3 and 4 students, 85% said they feel welcome at their school, and 88% said they feel safe at school. Of the answering grade 7 students, 91% said they feel safe at their school and 85% said they feel welcome at their school. Of the parents who answered, 86% said they feel their child is safe at Mamquam Elementary.
Children that attend this elementary school have the benefit of art and culture steeped into everyday activities, as well as an excellent group of teachers and participating parents who care about their success and want to provide the brightest possible start in their educational career.
Squamish Elementary School
Street Address: 38370 Buckley Avenue, Squamish
Mailing Address: PO Box 1040, Squamish, BC V8B 0A7
Phone: 604-892-9307
Fax: 604-892-5512
Website: sd48squamish.org

Squamish Elementary is located on Buckley Avenue, adjacent to Howe Sound Secondary, and is attended by children in grades Kindergarten through 7th. Children who attend this school live in the downtown Squamish, Northyards/Dentville and Brittania Beach areas. Approximately 410 students are currently enrolled, and the school’s mission is to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment that caters to all learners while promoting excellence and social responsibility.
A French Immersion School
Squamish Elementary offers both early and late French immersion programs, the former serving children in grades K through 3rd, and the latter serving children in grades 4th through 7th. Students from all around the district can attend these programs, giving parents and children excellent options for a brighter future. French immersion has become extremely popular with parents in Canada in the past several years, and enrollment has increased by 12% since 2006. Not only is it an entertaining and fun program for children, but it broadens their future options, since a bilingual employee is a valuable trait in the workplace. Squamish Elementary has 8 wonderful teachers to assist with their French Immersion program, ensuring that each child receives the attention they need and deserve.
Fostering Excellent Qualities in Children Outside of Academics
School isn’t just about learning math and science, at least not at Squamish Elementary. Several programs are in place here to foster outstanding and well-rounded children, in academics and otherwise. For instance, the Roots of Empathy Program is one the school takes part in, and it is designed to “reduce levels of aggression amongst school children while raising social and emotional competence and increasing empathy.”
One of the ways this is done in Squamish Elementary is to have mothers and their brand new babies visit classrooms, giving children a unique and empathy-building experience.
Academic Achievement
In addition to the extracurricular programs, Squamish Elementary is very proud of their academic achievement, and rightly so. The percentage of students meeting standards in reading, writing and numeracy amongst grade 4 students is higher than the percentage of grade 4 students meeting standards in British Columbia as a whole, and each of those percentages increased in Squamish Elementary between 2010 and 2011. Squamish Elementary carries a Fraser Institute rating of 5.7 out of 10.
Safety and Encouragement Abound
It’s important for children to receive the proper academic challenges and offerings, but it’s also important that they feel comfortable, safe and welcome in their learning environment. In a recent survey given to parents and students, when asked about whether they felt welcomed at school, 84% of answering grade 3 and 4 students said “yes,” and 77% of answering grade 7 students said “yes.” When asked if they felt safe at school, 65% of grades 3 and 4 students said they did, while 79% of grade 7 students answered in the affirmative.
Squamish Elementary offers a very well-rounded education that places a priority on academic excellence, but also seeks to foster a variety of other wonderful traits in students. Their aim to ensure a safe, welcoming, and exciting learning environment is seen in the bright, happy, and dedicated students in every grade level.
Valleycliffe Elementary School
Street Address: 38430 Westway Avenue, Squamish
Mailing Address: PO Box 2240 Squamish, BC V8B 0B5
Phone: 604-892-9394
Fax: 604-892-3664
Website: sd48valleycliffe.org

Located on Westway Avenue, alongside the Stawamus Dyke, is Valleycliffe Elementary School. Part of the Squamish School District Number 48, Valleycliffe is one of Squamish’s smaller elementary schools, with approximately 190 students enrolled. Officially opened in 1977 by Minister of Labour Allan Williams, the school originally only served children in grades Kindergarten through 3. Since then, the school has expanded significantly, now serving grades Kindergarten through 6.
Focusing on Well-Rounded Children
Not only does Valleycliffe place a priority on academic excellence, but through various school programs, they encourage students to develop traits and characteristics that create well-rounded individuals. Through programs like the Virtue of the Month, children learn the value of things like honesty, trustworthiness, patience and responsibility. The WildSafe Presentation teaches students the importance of reduced human-wildlife conflict and increases awareness and shares information about wildlife and conservation efforts. These are just a few of the excellent ways Valleycliffe Elementary broadens the horizons of the children and introduces important and essential topics.
Helping Children Feel Safe and Welcome
A recent survey taken by parents and students of Valleycliffe Elementary revealed that the majority of students feel safe at school, enjoy their school and feel welcome as well. Of the answering students in grades 3 and 4, 73% said they feel welcome at their school, 79% said they like their school and 80% said they feel safe at school. Of the answering students in grade 7, 86% said they feel safe at school and 80% said they felt welcome at school.
About 94% of parents who answered the survey said they are satisfied with their child’s learning, 94% said their child’s teacher encouraged them to take an active role in their child’s learning, and 100% of parents said they think their child is safe at school.
Academic Achievement
Although Valleycliffe seeks to grow and develop children in social areas, academics remain the top priority. According to data gathered from the school, Valleycliffe is operating at a level comparable to other schools in Squamish. Performance in reading, writing and numeracy for grades 3, 4 and 7 is average or above average and the Fraser Institute rating for Valleycliffe Elementary is 6.4 out of a possible 10.
The Valleycliffe Elementary Breakfast Club Program
The Breakfast Club Program at Valleycliffe Elementary is an excellent program sponsored by the Squamish Rotary Club and Squamish Family Chiropractic. The Parent Advisory Council comes in every morning to set up the breakfast; children are offered oatmeal, fruit, and cold cereals. Children are encouraged to come in before school starts to enjoy breakfast and get some excellent brain-boosting food. This is a convenient option for parents who are running late, and children enjoy having breakfast with their friends. The program takes place between 8:30 and 8:50 during weekday mornings.
Valleycliffe Elementary is a wonderful school where parents and teachers work together to ensure outstanding growth and development in the children. With various programs designed to increase students’ social awareness, eco-consciousness and responsibility, as well as an excellent academic curriculum, the school is a blessing to many parents and children in the community.
Howe Sound Secondary School
Street Address: 38430 Buckley Avenue, Squamish
Mailing Address: PO Box 99, Squamish, BC, V8B 0A1
Phone: 604-892-5261
Fax: 604-892-5618
Website: sd48howesound.org

Howe Sound Secondary School is located on Buckley Avenue, next to Ecole Squamish Elementary, and serves students in grades 10 through 12. Currently, there are approximately 650 students enrolled; this is the largest school in the district. Through academic curriculum, extracurricular activities and special programs, Howe Sound Secondary fulfills their mission statement, which is to “foster a strong sense of community that provides opportunities for students to become motivated learners capable of achieving their potential.”
Preparing Students for Advanced Learning and Trades
Howe Sound Secondary School prepares students for advanced learning through the ACE program, an accelerated credential industry training program. Courses taken in this program will give students high school graduation credits and a jump start towards future apprenticeship programs. With the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Level 1 Carpentry program, students earn dual credits and technical training credit toward Industry Training Authority certification. The program includes a practicum which counts toward an apprenticeship. Other trade classes include automotive and professional cooking with the Vancouver Community College Professional Cook 1 Program.
Offering an Extensive Sports Program
For athletes, the sports programs available at Howe Sound Secondary are excellent. The Cycling Academy Cycling Porgram, the Hockey Academy and the Outdoor Leadership Program are all excellent options. Through the Outdoor Leadership program, students enjoy things like hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, first aid certification in wilderness, the avalanche safety training certification, and much more.
These are programs that broaden a student’s horizons and set them on a path to greatness in their chosen sport.
Notable Alumni
There are several well-known athletes who have graduated from Howe Sound Secondary, including Neal Kindree who is a national mountain bike racer, Mike Sweeney who is a FIFA World Cup participant, Olympic ski racer Mike Carney, World Champion freestyle skier Sarah Bourque, and Rugby World Cup Canadian rep Jamie Cudmore. This is proof that the excellent sports programs at Howe Sound Secondary are worthwhile and beneficial.
International Student Program
Howe Sound Secondary participates in the International Student Program, which invites students from all around the world to study and learn alongside Canadian Students in HSS. This is an excellent program which encourages and promotes cultural awareness and understanding, and gives students the opportunity to experience the Canadian culture, social customs and the wonderful people. Howe Sound Secondary students get to meet new people from different areas of the world, and through befriending them and spending time with them, get to also experience different cultures and customs.
Howe Sound Secondary has an excellent staff of teachers and administrators with one main goal: to ensure the academic and social development of all of the students who attend the school. Devoted and involved parents also help to make the environment an excellent place for children at a critical age. Overall, it’s an excellent school with a wide range of opportunities and benefits for students and their parents.
Don Ross Middle School
Street Address: 42091 Ross Road, Squamish
Mailing Address: PO Box 299, Brackendale, BC, V0N 1H0
Phone: 604-898-3671
Fax: 604-898-4672
Website: sd48donross.org

Don Ross Middle School, formerly Don Ross Secondary School, serves children in grades 7 through 9, and is the only middle school in Squamish. Until very recently, Don Ross served only grades 8th and 9th, but after thorough research and input from parents all over Squamish, the school board reconfigured the school to accept 7th grade students as well. The mission of Don Ross Middle is to provide a school setting that encourages academic, social and emotional well-being with a sensitivity to the intellectual, physical, social and emotional changes taking place in these young teens lives.
Excellent Second Language Options
Don Ross Middle offers a French Immersion Program, as well as a Squamish Nation’s Language and Cultural Studies Program. These are outstanding programs that give children the option of learning a second language at school. Educators and savvy parents know that the benefits of being bilingual reach far beyond the school years, and can significantly impact a person’s life for the better in many different ways. By taking the Squamish Nation’s Language and Cultural Studies Program, children learn the traditional Squamish language, stories of the Squamish people, cultural information and more.
A Varied and Outstanding Curriculum
Not only is the curriculum at Don Ross Middle designed to prepare students for excellent futures academically, but also socially. Instruction here is designed to build communication skills, and allow children to explore a wide range of subject areas. The Fine Arts Program allows children to participate in band, art, drama, dance, choir, media and social responsibility. Through the Applied Arts program, children can enjoy home economics, info technology, trades technology and the Junior Outdoor Education Program.
Grade 9 children are permitted to take a full year of music, art, drama/musical theatre, leadership or yearbook.
Extra Assistance to Support Advancing Students
For children who need a little extra help maximizing their learning success or choosing specific courses or routes of study, Don Ross Middle School features a Strategies Department as well as a Counseling Department. Students can also seek assistance with social, emotional, and intellectual issues or struggles they are facing. The school offers “Collaboration time” which allows teachers to meet to specifically discuss educational concerns. During this time, teachers analyze student data to establish high standards for the students they serve.
Sports and Outdoor Recreation Clubs
Teachers and administrators at Don Ross Middle School also place an importance on remaining active, enjoying organized sports and exploring the beautiful Squamish outdoors. Sports and outdoor recreation clubs offer all that and more. The Climbing Club is one example of how students utilize physical activity and make personal goals; the club has just received the “Bill Rizun Climbing Cave” which was completed with donations from the community, including a $21,000 donation from Test of Metal. Another perfect example is the Mountain Biking Team, where children enjoy mountain biking on nearby trails, and participate in thrilling competitions.
Don Ross Middle School is an asset to the Squamish community, and parents truly are fortunate to have this excellent school to send their 7th, 8th and 9th grade students.
Squamish Montessori School
Street Address: 42000 Loggers Lane, Squamish
Mailing Address: PO Box 5320, Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, V8B0H3
Phone: 604-892-1180
Website: www.smsed.ca
Email: [email protected]

Squamish Montessori is located on Logger’s Lane across from Brennan Park and the Sea to Sky Connector Trail in the beautiful Squamish Valley. In addition to offering a full Montessori education to children in grades 1st through 6th, Squamish Montessori offers a preschool program with a full group daycare licensing to children aged 2 and 1/2 to 6 years. The school is a non-profit, provincially-funded independent institution, with a goal to meet the needs of students from a social, emotional, physical and intellectual standpoint. The mission of the Montessori approach is “an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological development, as well as technological advancements in society.” September of 2014 saw 111 students enrolled in Squamish Montessori Elementary.
The Montessori Education
Montessori schools teach a special educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori. Although the curriculum and method is intricate and detailed, some very important aspects of the method include mixed age classrooms, placing an importance on giving students options for activities and lessons, uninterrupted blocks of work time, constructivism/discovery, specialized educational materials. Students in Montessori schools learn independence, which leads to a higher self-confidence and trust in themselves. Teachers are trained in the Montessori method, and the teacher curriculum is derived from courses Maria Montessori developed and taught during her lifetime.
The Elementary Program
Children in the elementary program at Squamish Montessori are given knowledge as part of a large-scale narrative. This includes all aspects of a child’s life, as well as the originals of earth, life, human communities and modern history. Children are encouraged to question things, from people and their differences to the origins of life and the universe.
Lessons focus on the importance of typical academics but without excluding other very important topics like geology, anthropology, ecology, language, and more. Moral learning is stressed in Montessori schools, which results in some very important character traits for graduating children: moral empathy, a belief in progress, respect for life, individual contribution and true justice.
An Excellent and Compassionate Staff
Teachers who are trained in Montessori education are enlightened individuals, able to integrate all subjects in order to teach as a whole intellectual tradition. These highly-qualified men and women guide students to success both in the classroom and outside the classroom, as Montessori tradition places importance on the resources outside of school. Classes often go on “field trips” where they make use of community assets and resources, often on a student-directed exploration.
A Dedicated and Wonderful Parent Council
In addition to having excellent students, teachers and administrators, Squamish Montessori has an outstanding Parent Council. The Parent Council helps with a huge variety of activities and events, including fund raising and event organization. The group meets monthly and raises funds that have purchased climbing apparatus and an airplane for the school playground, the school art program, The Sport Program at Brennan Park Recreation Center, musical instruments, a new covered play structure for the playground and so much more. The school is very fortunate to have such an amazing group of parents dedicated to the education and future of the children.
Squamish Montessori is an excellent school and a sound choice for students in elementary school, as well as younger children who are at the age to participate in the preschool program.
Coast Mountain Academy
Street Address: 3295 Mamquam Road, Squamish, BC, V8B 0T8
Phone: 604-390-3262
Fax: 604-390-3263
Website: coastmountainacademy.ca
Email: [email protected]

Coast Mountain Academy is located on the Quest University Campus, and is a university-prep school serving children in grades 7th through 12th. The school curriculum is based around 21st Century Learning, built up with the latest technology, and amazing art, sports and cultural programs. Coast Mountain Academy’s mission is to “graduate inspired leaders with the exceptional academic, social, and emotional preparedness common to conscientious and successful global citizens.”
Supporting Holistic Development Through Diverse Teaching Strategies
Coast Mountain Academy has adopted numerous teaching strategies designed to develop students not just academically, but socially and morally as well. Smaller classes sizes allow teachers and students to become better acquainted and make the learning process more effective. Longer class periods allow teachers to implement varied teaching styles and the schedules at Coast Mountain Academy support cross-curricular learning opportunities. Curriculum and teachers support students’ existing strengths and challenge students to learn new skills and develop broader perspectives. Upon graduating, students gain the BC Ministry of Education Dogwood Diploma, which is internationally recognized.
Participation from All Parties
One of the unique things about Coast Mountain Academy is that participation is essential from all parties, including the parents and students. Parents commit to their child’s education and future by frequently checking in with their child’s progress, providing stimulating experiences and activities outside of school, and staying up to date with the teaching methods and tools used at school so that they can apply them at home.
Students are expected to earn their education by committing to tasks that they undertake, asking good questions and by focusing and being active learners. As parents and students meet their responsibilities, the results shine through in excellent grades, broadened horizons and so much more.
The Coast Mountain Academy Staff
Just like parents and students are expected to be thoroughly involved and active, CMA faculty is expected to give their all when it comes to developing children’s intellectual, social and emotional needs. Each teacher is selected by administrators based on their desire and ability to teach children in a holistic manner. The staff is always held to high CMA standards and BC Ministry of Education requirements. As students, parents and staff work together, everyone wins.
CMA Club Options
In addition to the excellent academic programs at Coast Mountain Academy, there are a variety of clubs that give students the ability to explore various activities and practices. Athletes enjoy the sports clubs and can gain specialized training and course credits. These include mountain biking, trail running, climbing and more. Other clubs that children can be a part of at CMA include the Ultimate Frisbee Club, the Rock Band Club, Choir Club and the Model U.N. Club. These are especially great for students who have already been called to a specific career or sport that coincides with the clubs; for instance, talented musicians truly love the Choir and Rock Band Clubs.
Overall, Coast Mountain Academy is an excellent school, preparing students to enter universities and colleges, as well as the real world. A sophisticated curriculum that includes a holistic approach benefits students and helps guide them on a path to future success and happiness.
Cedar Valley Waldorf School
Street Address: 38265 Westway Ave., Squamish
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5356, Squamish, B.C., V8B 0C2
Phone: 604-898-3287
Website: www.cedarvalleyschool.com
Email: [email protected]

Cedar Valley Waldorf School, located on Westway Avenue in Squamish, serves children in grades 1st through 5th. In addition to that, they offer a licensed pre-school program serving younger children in the area. Cedar Valley Waldorf seeks to provide an excellent education to children while focusing on the spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual aspects of the child. Care and attention is given on a student-to-student basis, developing confident and independent thinkers with strong character traits like social and environmental consciousness, compassion and creativity.
Education Tempered to the Student’s Pace
Cedar Valley Waldorf School’s curriculum is in compliance with the B.C. Ministry of Education’s requirements, but the teaching is designed to match the development of the individual child. The curriculum follows a natural sequence, building upon past lessons and mastered skills. For instance, children learn to draw at a young age, and build upon that to learn writing before learning to put those letters into words in order to read. Younger children are introduced to gardening which leads into botany while nature stories and fables later become the study of zoology and physiology. With each new lesson, the child has something to draw from, making it easier to be successful.
The Waldorf Method of Teaching
One of the ways that the Waldorf method has been so successful amongst children in earlier grades is because learning a subject involves all of the senses, effectively immersing a child in a specific topic. Music, dance, theater, writing, literature, legends and myths are not just read about; they are experienced. Topics like math and science aren’t dry and boring when they are taught in an artistic way that involves all of the senses; creative and talented teachers take lesson plans and bring them to life. Children might write descriptively about the climate in various places or paint colorful masterpieces depicting the water cycle.
They might watch a play about past peoples and cultures or listen to hilarious songs about government processes. When all of the senses are involved, the information is much easier for children to absorb and recall.
Unique Ways of Learning
The Waldorf method gets results and parents are often surprised to see how quickly their children pick up those subjects. What the children are capable of when given plenty of opportunity to succeed is quite amazing. At Cedar Valley Waldorf School, children don’t receive textbooks. Instead, they are given blank sketchbooks that they use to create their own textbooks full of illustrations and compositions. Children study two different foreign languages, with lessons given and language explored through music and song.
Results and Achievements
While a day at Cedar Valley Waldorf School just sounds like a ton of fun, is it actually getting results? A survey done in 2007 to see what Waldorf graduates are up to after they leave high school showed the following:
Approximately 94% of students attend college after high school.
Approximately 47% of those students major in arts/humanities while approximately 42% major in science or math as undergraduates.
Approximately 91% practice and value life-long learning, while 94% are self-reliant and highly value self-confidence.
About 89% are highly satisfied in their career choice.
The results are phenomenal and this is why so many parents want to send their children to Cedar Valley Waldorf School. Overall, it’s an excellent school with phenomenal teachers and some of the brightest young minds in the area.
Quest University
Street Address: 3200 University Boulevard, Squamish, BC, V8B 0N8
Phone: 604 898-8000
Fax: 604 815-0829
Website: www.questu.ca
Email: [email protected]

Quest University, Canada’s first independent, not-for-profit, secular university, is located on a gorgeous 60-acre stretch of land at the edge of the Garibaldi Provincial Park in Squamish. Students and faculty enjoy stunning views of the Tantalus Mountain Range and the Howe Sound, and are just an hour from Vancouver and about 45 minutes from the Whistler Ski Resort. Founded in 2002, Quest University features 7 residence halls, an academic building, a university services building and a recreation centre.
Whereas the majority of universities offer a huge variety of degrees in different disciplines, Quest University has chosen to offer just one degree and to perfect it, becoming the best of the best for this particular field. The Bachelor of Arts and Sciences is a 4-year program, with courses scheduled on a block program allowing students to take just one course at a time for 3 and 1/2 weeks. One of the biggest benefits of Quest University class styles is the low student to instructor ratio; a maximum of 20 students are in each class with the average number of students being 16. The student to faculty ratio is just 12:1. This gives instructors the ability to really focus on their class and provide individualized attention as needed. It also gives plenty of room for in-depth discussions and activities.
Guiding Students through Their Entire Educational Experience
Every student that attends Quest University will have a faculty advisor throughout the 4 years. The first 2 years is a foundation program which introduces the students to a variety of fields across the arts and sciences, and the last 2 years are upper-level classes which requires students to create their own major with the help of faculty. Throughout the 4 years, students will engage in various experimental learning activities off-campus, and every student will create a major senior thesis or project.
Special importance is placed on excellent written and oral communication, intellectual and personal development, critical thinking, civic engagement and employability; students are really groomed for the workplace and for obtaining their choice career easily.
Quest holds approval from the Degree Quality Assessment Board (DQAB) under the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education. This is earned through a rigorous review of Quest’s policies and programs. The school is also a registered British Columbia Education Quality Assurance (EQA) post-secondary institution. This means that the school has met or exceeded provincial government-recognized quality assurance standards. Quest holds the authority to grant degrees through Sea to Sky University Act and is approved by the US Department of Education for student loan and veterans programs.
Additional Information
Quest offers excellent scholarships and tuition assistance, available for all students to apply for. The current enrollment at Quest University includes 700 undergraduate students (which is the capacity). Approximately 52% of those students are Canadian while 35% are from the United States and the remaining 13% are from other countries around the world. Students attend Quest University coming from more than 40 countries, including Germany, Nepal, China, Mexico, Switzerland, Uganda, and Italy.
Quest University in Squamish is an excellent choice for those seeking the Bachelor of Arts and Sciences degree, and provides fantastic opportunities and education for all students.